In the first few months, a bassinet is the best choice for a newborn. While the bassinet doesn’t have to be small, it doesn’t have to be large either, and eventually, your newborn will grow out of this space and need to be transferred to the crib. But when is a baby too big for a bassinet? When your child reaches around 15 pounds, you’ll want to switch him into a crib or bed. Here’s what you need to know about sleeping space as your baby grows!
The Importance Of A Bassinet For A Newborn
Using a small bassinet provides several benefits, which are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. A baby sleeping in a bassinet has several advantages over a crib.
Due to their smaller size, these sleepers are often more portable and can be easily moved from room to room. Plus, they’re smaller than cribs, making them easier to place next to the bed and share the room comfortably when your kids are younger.
Unlike cribs, bassinets have the advantage that some models can rock. Babies often enjoy this feeling because they are constantly bouncing in the womb for most of the year. Movement is familiar to them, which may explain why many children enjoy being bounced.
Also, because your child is comfortably wrapped in their tummy for nine months, they will generally appreciate a snug feel, and the smaller the bassinet, the more comfortable it will feel.
Types Of Bassinets
There are many types of cradles on the market, from traditional to modern. Traditional cradles are usually made of wood or wicker and have a simple rectangular design. Modern cradles come in all shapes and sizes with many different features.
Some bassinets even have built-in locking mechanisms or vibrations to help soothe the baby. If you’re not sure which type of bassinet is right for you, it’s best to consult your pediatrician or child development, specialist.
When Is Baby Too Big For A Bassinet?

When you watch your little one spin around in the crib and realize there’s not enough room, you immediately wonder if it’s time for a crib. There are some obvious signs that it’s time to buy a crib, and some less obvious signs to look out for.
They are not in the room
It makes sense that babies grow up to be comfortable, but the truth is, most babies run out of space.
As they grow, they also move more. They woke up in the middle of the night and kicked their little arms and legs. They ran away a little. If your baby doesn’t have room to move their arms and legs, or if their head is constantly being pushed to the top of the bassinet, it’s time to upgrade.
Sports milestones
When babies reach certain milestones, it’s not safe for them to stay in places as small as their cradles.
If your child starts rolling over or sitting up, it’s time to move them to the crib for their own safety. If you don’t, they risk serious injury.
An overturned baby may kick the cradle hard on the sides, causing the cradle to tip over. If babies can pull themselves up or sit up, they may fall off the sides of the bassinet because these beds have very short sides. The crib offers extra protection thanks to its taller walls.
They hate their cradle
While it looks like your baby has plenty of room, they may feel a little cramped. If this happens, your child can become fussy in the crib.
You may notice that they cry when you put them down, or that they wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. If it’s because they’re too big for the cradle, it mostly happens when they’re lying down.
They settle down when they are moved elsewhere, like a crib or mattress on a queen bed. If your baby hates their bassinet, consider switching them to a crib.
They exceed the weight limit
Cradles, like all baby products, have weight restrictions. Check your bassinet to see if it has a weight limit and what the weight limit is. Some have a weight limit of 15 pounds, others 30 pounds. Often, when babies reach their weight limit, they are too big for the bassinet.
It is generally believed that cradles are prepared for newborns. If your child is past the newborn stage, they are almost too big for the cradle.
Most parents move their babies to their cribs around 4 months of age. At the same time, the baby starts to move more, needs more space, and eventually learns how to roll over. You can make sure your baby is as safe as possible by moving it into the crib before it rolls over.
How To Transition Baby From Bassinet To Crib?
Make sure the crib you will be using is sturdy and has no loose screws or missing parts.
Remove pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and other items from the crib to create a safe sleeping environment for the baby.
Lower the mattress of the crib so that it is at the level of the baby’s chest.
Put your baby in the center of the crib.
Use a firm, flat mattress that fits snugly against the crib.
Make sure your baby’s head doesn’t get too close to the crib’s rails.
Take care of your baby in the middle of the night while they sleep, and check on them regularly during the day as well.
Never leave your child unattended in a crib. Always be nearby if they need you.
Put the crib in the same room as before.
If you have any concerns about your baby’s safety, talk to your pediatrician.
Tips On What To Do When Baby Is Too Big For Bassinets
Start with the mattress that comes with the bassinet. If it’s too small, you can buy a foam top and make it bigger.
If your baby is rolling, put pillows around the stroller so they don’t fall out.
When the baby starts to sit up, it’s time to move to the crib. You can buy a mattress for the crib that is the same size as the bassinet mattress.
There is no clear answer as to when a baby is too big to fit in the cradle. However, it is generally recommended that you switch to the crib before your baby starts walking. Also, if you notice any of the signs listed above, it may be time to move the baby to the crib. Remember to follow safety guidelines when transferring your baby to the crib and always consult your pediatrician if you have any questions. Thanks for reading! We hope this helps.